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Awakening every day, accompanied by different emotions, it seems like I can always see others’ lives. Sometimes, I feel like I’m living in another parallel world, starting to prove my existence. Sharing everything I like—food, pets, scenery—on social media. I feel content, but realize I’m not living for myself. I want to escape the real world and immerse myself in the virtual world. There, I make friends and speak freely. Until facing reality again, I understand that escapism is not the solution. The fleeting satisfaction from likes and comments made me lost, losing focus in my life. I choose to balance the use of social media, cherishing real experiences and face-to-face interactions because life’s core lies in these real moments, not in the lost and indulgence of the virtual world.
This is a story about an 11th grader named Jeffery Ni. He once overcame his difficulties through rehabilitation, and he organized a concert called “One Less One.” While volunteering at a nursing home, he discovered the connection between the elderly and the children and decided to bring the two groups together through concerts, bringing moments of shared joy and hope.
  This documentary follows the journey of a woman from China’s Joseonjok (朝鲜族) community, an ethnic Korean minority within China, also known as Chinese Korean. As she grows up navigating two distinct cultures — Han Chinese and peninsula of Korea . She reflects on how this unique dual heritage shaped her into a more diverse individual, and shares her ongoing quest for identity and belonging, shaped by the complex intersections of these rich, contrasting traditions.
  A story full of twists and layers, where a couple of unlucky robbers, a general’s daughter and her street artist boyfriend, and a gang of mercenaries all meet on the streets of the Russian city of Tambov. The film consists of five interwoven yet self-sufficient novellas, each with its own plot yet a part of the bigger picture.

A young person plays their social roles well, until they are thrust back into the memory of a multi-lingual family gathering. As they stumble across language barriers and their inability to communicate, tension rises until they decide to silence themselves from speaking in their other-tongue.  

A student of the directing faculty of VGIK falls into disgrace with the master of the course Gleb Glebovich and goes to military service in the army in Syria. In one of the battles, George is seriously wounded, as a result, he goes completely blind. Beloved girl Lisa, with whom George studied together, understands that she is not ready to shoulder the burden of dedication to a disabled person. George falls into depression, life is going to hell…. The desire for a full life, the desire to stay in the profession, the participation and mentoring of the former master of the course Gleb Glebovich mobilizes George to work and high creative achievements. Georgy moves from the director’s studio to the playwrights’ workshop, writes the script for the film — “the story of the rescue of a Syrian family by the Russian military”, awarded the prize of the Venice Film Festival.



A young illustrator has recently been plagued by various strange occurrences around her and a recurring dream. After hearing news reports of complications from an amnesia virus similar to her own condition, she embarks on a journey to find the source of the strange…  


  Eternal love or eternal life? This difficult choice is facing a brilliant actor. His life in the gray real world and the life of the world of fantasies are so closely intertwined that bright pictures of visions in his imagination layered on each other, mixing and breaking into small fragments fold again into the incredible patterns of a magic kaleidoscope …

  Myeong-jun has suddenly been diagnosed with a fatal cancer. The only family he has is his mother, Ok-soon, who suffers from dementia. More important than his death for Myeong-jun is that his mom would have no one around her after he’s gone. He tries to find a way to help his mom but finds it difficult. What is worse, his mom Ok-soon is gone missing···.
‘Hyung-seok’, a balloon artist who was preparing to propose while waiting for ‘Hye-bin’ to come home, unexpectedly faces Hye-bin’s father. Hyung-seok, who has been confronted by three people at first glance, delays the proposal, but the ring hidden somewhere in the cake is in danger of being eaten.

Large room in a dream apartment. Unbeatable location. Ready to move in. Plenty of light.

  Bruno and Carla are waiting for the guests of the Time Travelers Party to arrive. But if they haven’t sent the invitation yet, who will come? Just like Stephen Hawking did, they will send the invitation when the party is over. This time travelers from the future will come to change the present. Can a childhood love story survive the interference of time?

In The Spotlight
This Year

Small Things directed by Angela Andronache

Small Things: A regular day turns into a nightmare for 25-year-old struggling artist Sarah, who can’t sleep because her mind is full of thoughts, worries, and ideas. Every sound seems louder, and strange noises fill her home. As her anxiety grows, she becomes both scared and curious, eventually noticing something unexpected outside her door. This mystery pushes her to face the unknown in the night, leading to one unwavering surprise.

Mountains Forests and Islands directed by Marco Q Wu
Mountains Forests and Islands directed by Marco Q Wu Follow the Tsou people (indigenous people in Chiayi, Taiwan) to experience their culture together, including food, rituals, musical instruments, and more various aspects of life. Also, immerse yourself in the exquisite scenery of Alishan.
message directed by saeed moltaji
Message directed by Saeed Moltaji A female reporter in the Gaza war, faced with poor internet conditions, decides to take all her memory cards to her colleague in the news agency building, hoping he will be able to send the videos. Facing obstacles along the way and unable to communicate with her colleague due to weak signal, she resorts to sending him video messages along the journey, hoping they will eventually reach him. This film is a compilation of the video messages she sent to her colleague.
Assassination Orders from Belgrade directed by Dragan Cotic.
Assassination Orders from Belgrade directed by Dragan Cotic. Assassination Orders from Belgrade – Croatian Exiles and Yugoslav State Terrorism is a 2021 German documentary film produced by TORCIDA Films. This documentary film deals with what is probably the longest unsolved series of murders on German soil and the bloody chapter of German-Yugoslav history that is hardly known to the German public. The communist secret service of Yugoslavia killed at least 78 Croatian exiles worldwide. The youngest victims were just three and nine years old. Most murders were committed in the Federal Republic of Germany. However, it was not until 2005 that the Munich judicial authorities began to consistently investigate these murders and punish the perpetrators. The viewers follow children, relatives and friends of the Udba victims as well as survivors of the Udba assassinations who report on their dramatic and painful experiences and get to know the political and historical background of their destinies. The story of Yugoslav state terrorism is told for the first time from the victims’ point of view.
Ban The Bullet script written by Salvatore Riggio
Ban The Bullet script written by Salvatore Riggio A physically and psychologically abused sixteen year has access to an AR-15 assault weapon. What could go wrong? Ban the Bullet is a story about teenagers in a typical Florida high school facing everyday conflicts with friends and family. But everything changes when an “active shooter drill” is not a drill. Alan, a black fifteen year old, has moved to Daytona Beach, Florida. In his previous high school, his best friend was killed in a school shooting while sitting right next to him. As a result of this trauma , he has nightmares , a physical aversion to violence, and panic attacks. He wants to be “normal” again. Cheryl is a very assertive, bright sixteen year old. She falls in love with Alan. She wants to be free to make her own choices including dating a black boy. Ms. Goldman is an American History teacher. She lives with her same sex partner, Mika. She wants to be free to marry Mika and live openly and free to be a good teacher. Mitch is a sadly conflicted sixteen year old bully. He and his mother, Daisy, are victims of his abusive father, Vince. He desires Cheryl and wants to be loved. Pete is a thirteen year old freshman. He lives with his grandmother, Mary. Alan is his best friend. Pete wants to understand himself and others, and to be treated with respect. Patti is Cheryl’s best friend. She lives with her mom, Terry. Terry has an alcoholic boyfriend, Jack. Patti wants her mother and herself to be safe from Jack. Billy is Mitch’s best friend. Billy is generally a good kid. Funny. Resourceful. He wants to be a good friend and family member. Vince, a racist homophobe, is an abusive father and husband. He has disowned Mitch’s older gay brother, Stuart. He takes Mitch to gun shows and is teaching him how to assemble an AR-15. Vince wants Mitch to “be a man”. Alan and Cheryl fall in love. Will their inter-racial relationship make them targets of violence? Will Mitch make good on his threat “to kill” Pete after Pete beats him up? Patti is slapped by Terry’s alcoholic boyfriend, Jack. Terry throws him out of the house. What will alcoholic Jack’s response be to her rejection? Violence? Billy’s father, Tom, has lost his job, and he is taking out his frustrations on the family. Tom plays a violent video game, Bulletblast, that makes him even more aggressive when he loses. Will Tom’s frustration lead to real life violence? Ms. Goldman allows her students to discuss current events openly. This leads to controversy and parental complaints. She is placed on probation. Then she is outed by one of her students. Will she be fired? Is it possible that once again Alan could be a victim of gun violence? Will his love affair with Cheryl have a happy ending? Or will it be a Romeo and Juliet tragedy? The story ends with a Memorial Service. But…for whom the bell tolls?
Grimgart Burlesque directed by Seth Grimgart
Grimgart Burlesque: webisodes directed by Seth Grimgart The denizens of Manhattan’s West Side weave their tales in the shadow of the high castle known as the Ansonia Hotel  
Viruses War directed by zana aziz karim & salwa hameed kareem
Viruses War directed by Zana Aziz Karim & Salwa Hameed Kareem 1h 50 min This includes contributions from a true story narrative. A medical disaster thriller with gangsters, action, adventure, horror, fantasy, imagination, natural tragedy, post global pandemic. depiction of a virus that threatens the world’s environment and is eradicated by Dr. Zak with physical and environmental solutions. He is fighting against every globally created virus, including the virus which is ISIS Doctor Zak quickly senses that this epidemic is fatal and dangerous in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. It is not easy to control it. But the infiltration and succession of people to their areas leads to the arrival of viruses to them, and as a result, they afflict death. The germ spreads and many become victims of this epidemic. The first person to be infected with COVID-19 is his loved one, so he tries his best to save her and all his loved ones. Dr. Zak is trying to save humanity from terrorism and deadly viruses in the world
Gulag Eros of the Russian Mind Sex in the Soviet Union directed by Chad Gracia
Gulag Eros of the Russian Mind: Sex in the Soviet Union directed by Chad Gracia 60 min Chad Gracia presents “Sex in the Soviet Union: Gulag Eros of the Russian Mind,” a new film that explores the ways authoritarianism warps human sexuality. The tale is told through the life story of Dr. Mikhail Stern, the first sexologist in the USSR. He worked at a small clinic and dedicated his life to fighting against the ignorance and sexual terror of Soviet society. Dr. Stern was born with the Russian Revolution, was slated for execution by Stalin in the infamous “Jewish Doctors’ Plot” in 1953, was sent to the Gulag in 1974 after a famous show trial, and was eventually allowed to emigrate to Amsterdam after an international campaign led by Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone De Beauvoir. While serving in the gulag, Dr. Stern began collecting his notes on the history of sexuality in the Soviet Union, as well as focusing on individuals whose lives encapsulate the horrors of Soviet sexuality. These include Alexandra Kollontai, the first female ambassador of the modern era and an iron-willed general in the battle to create sexual utopia in the new communist state; a pair of gay men living openly as husbands during the 1920s; a young girl who fought back against KGB head Lavrentiy Beria’s attempted rape; a grandmother who attempted to save her granddaughter’s life after a botched illegal abortion; and the only sex spy ever to successfully turn the tables on her KGB handler and escape to the West. We bring these stories to the screen through re-enactments that follow closely the primary sources and Dr. Stern’s notes, and which humanize stories that illuminate not only the totalitarianism of the USSR, but challenges confronting the world today. After his release, Dr. Stern settled in Amsterdam to write the book which inspired this film. He was killed during a brutal sexual assault, a mystery our team will unravel in a subsequent film. The arc of Dr. Stern’s life raises compelling questions about the persistence of tyranny in the minds of those who fight it as well as the complexities of the human soul.  
Re-encounter directed by Xiaochu Dai
Re-encounter directed by Xiaochu Dai 2 min 22 sec Re-encounter is a digital short film that traces the London myth—the Hardy Tree and people’s companionship throughout their lives, creating a poetic space. By watching the stories of the Hardy Tree from birth, growth, dying and re-encounter (meeting people again with new life), it aims to invite the audience to think: In the context of ecological destruction today, how can we find our original spiritual connection with nature and return to the touching feeling of the initial encounter?
Future Nostalgy directed by Mehdi Soroush
Future Nostalgy directed by Mehdi Soroush 20 min LOGLINE Behzad is a young student who suffers from lack of a good compassionate teacher in his life. The harsh reality leaves him in a world of fantasy. SYNOPSIS BEHZAD is a young school student who is strictly treated by the school principal. His long hair and a nose hoop become excuses for the principal to humiliate and harass him but Behzad does not deserve this punishment. He becomes infuriated and together with his friend, KOUROSH, they make a dangerous decision…    


  1. Ecли ищeте шины, диcки оптом, обрaтитеcь в ASIANCATALOG мы пpeдлaгаeм пpодyкцию вceх известных бpендoв, советуeм подходящиe peшeния, дocтавляeм зaказы. Кaкие шины, диски пpедлагаем: зимниe, лeтниe, всесезoнныe, шипoванные, для мегапoлисoв и бeздорожья, легковые, гpyзовые, для прицепoв, для автoбусов и cпецтeхники. Мы прeдлaгaeм к пoкyпке шины APLUS, AUFINE, COPARTNER, DOUBLECOIN, GREFORCE, HAIDA, KAPSEN, KORYO, KUNLUN, DOUBLECOIN, MARANDO, ROADONE, SPORTRAK, U.CONQUALL, VGLORY, WINDA BOTO. Пoчeму cтoит обpaщaться при оптовoй покyпке шин в нашy компaния. Cамый широкий ассортимент шин в ASIANCATALOG. Предлaгaем шины по ценe зaвoдов производитeлeй c дocтaвкoй во все гoрoда Росcии. Если вы заплaнирoвали закyпку, свяжитeсь c нами, мы пoдготовим для вaс индивидyaльноe прeдлoжeние! Телeфoн для связи с нaми +7 (964) 434-03-97 эл. пoчтa info@asiancatalog.ru

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    Шины Compasal Blazer

  2. fantastic video! cute puppy I really like it!

  3. Yura and crackle of the shortest possible I were panicking Long bursts decrease the

  4. For the President of the Colortape International Film Festival

    Premiere in Australia

    Two films in the genre of fiction: 1) full meter: the author’s attempt to establish contact with his mother, who died 40 years ago, in order to complete the interrupted dialogue… 2) Short story: An alternative story of Adolf Hitler’s childhood in Linz….!!!!

    I ask you to exempt me from paying the festival fee, without which my films cannot be selected for the competition. I spent all the money I had to make these films. I even spent what I had set aside for my funeral. But I made a masterpiece: 1) a film about Heidegger; 2) a film about Adolf Hitler’s childhood years in Linz… And I am sorry that you cannot even appreciate my contribution to cinema. I respect your sense of fairness and your desire to follow the rules. But I know the history of cinema, and in my memory masterpieces of cinema have been accepted into competition sometimes not only without any payment, but also on the last night before the screening. For example, the finale of Coppola’s great film Apocalypse Now was edited the night before its premiere at the film festival. Another example: the great Russian mathematician Grigory Perelman published his proof of Poincaré’s theorem on a social network rather than in an American prestigious physics and mathematics journal. The reason: he didn’t have the money to pay for publication. But if it turns out that my films are as significant as Perelman’s solution of Poincaré’s theorem, you won’t even know about it because you didn’t review them, citing your financial situation. Let’s smoke the peace pipe and make a deal: I don’t ask you for money to pay for filming, and you don’t ask me for film review fees. I’m relying on your insight, intelligence and common sense: it’s better to be with a masterpiece and not get $100 than to be without money and without a masterpiece – and ‘HAIDEGGER’, according to a number of prominent critics, was a cinematic classic even at the editing stage.
    In view of the above, I request:

    1) to allow the selection of my films for the festival without director’s fees to the selectors;
    2) to upload my films, photos and posters from my platforms and not from Film Freeway, which have turned cinema into a business and put festivals in a dependent position, making it impossible to screen auteur cinema.

    Therefore, please accept my materials for consideration for inclusion in the festival’s competition programme:
    Application, photos and poster of a film about Adolf Hitler’s childhood in Linz


    A film about Hitler’s childhood in German with English credits and subtitles

    Application, photos and poster of the film HEIDEGGER

    Film HEIDEGGER in Russian with English credits and subtitles

    Always at your service, director and producer Yuri Kuzin (Russia)

    1. Hi!
      Thank you for your EOI.
      We are earing the end of the Extended Deadline, a few hours left!
      We usually give free waver codes to war torn countries or low GDP countries,
      but usually have 9-10 months to submit in advance.

      Anyway, we don’t want to let down anybody, here is your FREE Waver code,

      Can register script via

      Note: a screener download link MUST be provided in the registration process. thanks! You have 48hours so submit!
      I’d suggest that you enter your film’s script as well (in English) if you have one. Just an idea.
      Thank you and good luck at festival circuits around the world.

      CIFF Admin

    2. Hi!
      Thank you for your EOI.
      We usually give free waver codes to war torn countries or low GDP countries.
      As we have entered the Extended Deadline phase with only a few days remaining till closing of entries this year,
      we can only enter your films in the Persian films category.
      To get things moving fast,
      here is your FREE Waiver code,
      ExtendedDeadlineFREE register via this link asap

      MUST register every film one by one, and PLEASE UPLOAD the SCREENERS as we dont have time to reply to you and ask you for so many films.
      If the filmmakers would li9ke to enter the Script category, and if you can provide a script in ENGLISH language then
      you are welcome to register them in the SCRIPTS category using the same FREE waver code.

      FREE Waiver code,

      Thank you and good luck at festival circuits around the world.

      CIFF Admin

  5. Hæ, ég vildi vita verð þitt.

  6. Hi, roeddwn i eisiau gwybod eich pris.

  7. Hello.
    Want Bigger Jackpots and Better Thrills? Treat Yourself to a New Brand & a New Welcome Bonus! Register here: https://rakoolink.com/h24acf65c

  8. Hey people!!!!!
    Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!

  9. Why does need only an easygoing chap having returned the

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