Amleto - Hamlet. A Grammar Test on the Use of the Verb to Be directed by Vittorio Caratozzolo & Class 2 A

Amleto - Hamlet. A Grammar Test on the Use of the Verb to Be directed by Vittorio Caratozzolo & Class 2 A.

Is or isn't the famous Hamlet's monologue a meditation about the relevance of "to be" or "not to be"?


Foreigners directed by Vittorio Caratozzolo & Class 2 A. Meeting, Condition, Mastery: three points of view about the "Foreigner".


  The movie, mainly in black and white, completely without dialogue and interspersed with moments of reflection for the viewer in front of the written thoughts of the "narrator", analyzes the psychological evolution of an artist who develops ideas and beliefs linked to the world of art. The story of the movie, conceived by the artist and director as a “democratic work of art”, takes place in the current present, in particular in the cities of Milan and Venice (the latter in particular the key city of the film). It tells of two lives, that of an Italian sculptor and that of a little girl, originally from Sri Lanka, who lives with her family in Italy. Both the lives of the two protagonists are somehow linked by an unbridled artistic passion, and the whole film revolves around the design of a sculpture. This drawing is the main element of the story told, the one that allows the lives of the two protagonists, despite starting from such distant points, to intertwine at the end in a "disruptive encounter between two opposites". At the end of the short, in fact, it is revealed that in reality the whole film was nothing more than the artist's dream and that the two protagonists were none other than the same person. The Italian artist therefore identifies himself with the black girl. The Caucasian artist and the black girl are the same person in the film. This choice is singular, linked mainly for the director to overcoming all cultural barriers, in an artistic context of 2024 under the theme "Foreigners Everywhere", title of the Venice Biennale of Art where the sculpture “The Embrace”, protagonist of the short film, is exhibited throughout 2024 as the official artwork of the national pavilion. Furthermore, the main objective of the film is to describe the psychology of an artist through a dream, a dream in which the same person realizes that he must look at the world from two different points of view: as an adult with the eyes of maturity and as a child with the eyes of imagination. The true artist, according to the film, is the one who looks at the world around him with the eyes of an adult and with the imagination of a child; in practice... "a worker of emotions". Cultural Background The short is part of an artistic journey that sees the director of the film as the first creator of works of art with a social background entitled "The Embrace". then founder of the movement called "Embrace Project", an artistic project with a socio-cultural matrix that tends to do good in an ethical way through art. Through the Embrace Project, art is no longer the end aimed at by the artist but the means through which to spread a message of peace and equality. For the "Embrace Project", the artist Cesare Catania, director and creator of the film "The Imagination of a Child", is nominated Unique Ambassador in the World for National Hugging Day in 2023. This path leads the artist to write the first Manifesto of Democratic Art of History at the beginning of 2024 and to create, again in 2024, the artistic short film with a documentary background entitled "The Imagination of a Child", a short that enhances the relationship between the artist and his art through the eyes of a child, a short documentary that revolves around the sculpture entitled "The Embrace" created in 2023 and exhibited at the Venice Art Biennale in 2024 as a work of art official of a national pavilion.

Safe and secure he sentences to death thousands of young people to whom the future he steals. The Tyrant to the world tells the tales defended by slaves to which he throws crumbs . Clinging to his throne, still survives, drops his bombs, not only emotional. To hope the door closes, bodies stretched out, the darkness advances. Who will our lives give us back? Who will this mess fix? We all look like alabaster statues. Invading and killing gives no glory the Tyrant is already condemned by Time and History: he thinks he’s a hero, he’s just a residue, in our memory will be just trash.
They saw you directed by Vittorio Caratozzolo & Class 1 A
  They know who you are: you don't know who they are. Be careful in sharing your data with unknown persons.
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Amleto - Hamlet. A Grammar Test on the Use of the Verb to Be directed by Vittorio Caratozzolo & Class 2 A

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