Student film
Cymebelle is a psychological mystery drama centered around a doctor, a widow, and a village chief. The widow, after a miscarriage, refuses to give up her child. She would carry the stillborn into the village as if it were alive. The village, deeply disturbed by her actions, begins to grow disdain towards the widow. The chief of the village, noticing the increasing antagonism, decides to make one last gamble to settle matters.
The Earth’s natural environment - not of your navel, not of your room, football field, city or region: of the EARTH! - is in DANGER! To solve the different problems of the environment and live all in a better world also needs...
A young person plays their social roles well, until they are thrust back into the memory of a multi-lingual family gathering. As they stumble across language barriers and their inability to communicate, tension rises until they decide to silence themselves from speaking in their other-tongue.
One of the hallmarks of the East Asian family is the controlling parent and the rebellious child, a violent collision that may result in great harm to one of them. Lin Yu is a very rebellious Asian girl who is always at odds with her controllingmother. Conflicts continue to accumulate, leading to Lin Yu's complete disappointment with the family. Suddenly, she notices that something seems different about herself in the mirror...