BRAVE GIRLS directed by Rajeev Ashok Bhatia, unfolds in Hisar city, Haryana, where a group of young women forge deep bonds within the walls of their hostel. Led by Mansi, they form an unnamed sisterhood dedicated to social change. When news of a heinous crime committed by a powerful politician rocks their community, they unite in solidarity. One rape victim, Rajni, tragically succumbs to the trauma, while the other, Pooja, seeks refuge among her hostel sisters. Determined to seek justice and protect the vulnerable, Mansi and her comrades launch a fearless campaign against the corrupt politician, facing threats and obstacles at every turn. However, as the legal process drags on, frustrations mount, and Pooja’s patience wears thin. In a final act of defiance, she confronts her assailant in a dramatic courtroom showdown, delivering justice on her own terms. Yet, victory comes at a devastating cost. BRAVE GIRLS (DHAKAD CHHORIYAAN) is a poignant tale of courage and sisterhood, showcasing the indomitable spirit of women in the face of adversity. Through their unwavering solidarity, they prove that even in the darkest of times, love, resilience and hope prevail.
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5_3_0 directed by Danilo Stanimirović. During the night, a teenage girl is taking a taxi ride to the neighboring town. After a disturbing ride, and an even worse night at a friends birthday party, she is forced to return home with a menacing taxi driver who insists on her sitting in the front seat next to him.